Tools & Services
Use our handy tools to help you calculate and compare a product’s Total Cost of Ownership, configure a solution, or identify a successor product. Take advantage of our demo service to try before you buy, and our laser engraving service to protect your assets.
Direct View LED Configurator
Create your custom dvLED solution. Design your unique application scenario, and we will provide a tailored offer. Experience the impact of our Direct View LED solutions, delivering stunning visuals in any setting.
Laser Projector TCO Savings Calculator
Compare the total cost of ownership of a Sharp/NEC projector compared to another projector with our Projector TCO Savings Calculator.
Projector Image Calculator
With our Projector Image Calculator you can find out which projector can project your image best, which lens meets your requirements or where you need to place your projector to make the image appear in the right place.
Solutions Configurator
Set up your individual solution using our Large Format Display Solutions Configurator and export your results as a text file or PDF.
Large Format TCO Savings Calculator
Compare the total cost of ownership of two large format displays with the LFD TCO Savings Calculator. For example, the cost of your current Sharp/NEC display compared to a new model.
Video Wall Configurator
Our Video Wall Configurator allows you to virtually create a video wall and figure out total dimensions, power consumption, weight, maximum resolution, total pixels and price of the total wall.
Desktop Display TCO Savings Calculator
Compare the total cost of ownership of two desktop displays with the Desktop Display TCO Savings Calculator. For example, the cost of your current Sharp/NEC display compared to a new model.
Successor Product Finder
The Successor Product Finder assists you in easily finding the successor model of your current Sharp/NEC projector.
Demo Units (Projectors)
Apply for a free laser projector demo unit for use over a limited period to help you truly appreciate the compelling benefits of projection technology.
Laser Engraving
Protect your investment with tamper-resistant laser engraving. Available on Sharp/NEC Desktop and Large Format Displays and Projectors.